An alternative method is to form partnerships with local companies or governments, Jones says, to "make sure they have some skin in the game." 琼斯提出的另外一种方法是与当地公司或政府建立合作伙伴关系,“确保他们能成为利益共同体的一部分。”
The Chinese investors with the most skin in the game are the State Administration of Foreign Exchange& the arm of the central bank charged with managing China's$ 3.3 trillion foreign exchange reserves. 中国对欧洲债券风险敞口最大的当属国家外汇管理局&中国央行旗下负责管理中国3.3万亿美元外汇储备的机构。
By refusing to step up to the plate and put your skin in the game, you are showing that you don't belong. 拒绝参与这场游戏,就是在显示你不属于这个小圈子。
He had real skin in the game and his incentives were aligned. 他在这场游戏中表现得非常强硬,还调整了他的激励手段。
Demonstrate progress and your own skin in the game. 展示进步和创业者自身的资金投入。
Venture capitalists have always known that if executives have no skin in the game, the unscrupulous will find ways to abuse the trust of their backers. 风险资本家一向清楚,假如高管们没有切身利益在其中,寡廉鲜耻者就会想方设法滥用支持者的信任。
Chinese homebuyers have a lot of skin in the game. 中国的购房者在这场游戏中承担了大量风险。
Not only does it ensure you understand what the most effective solution will be, but it will make the users feel they have "skin in the game". 不只是你明确理解了产品的效用时你才这样做,更重要的是你要让他们感到他们“与游戏有关”。
As one US official puts it: "we need some skin in the game." 正如一位美国官员所说:“我们需要有所投入。”
China is very funny about you having some skin in the game if you want to do business there. 中国非常有趣,如果你想在那里做生意,必须有一些投入。
Three decades ago, the heads of American companies generally felt American, and thus had skin in the game of national policy debates. 30年前,美国企业的老板一般都认为自己是美国人,因此与国家政策辩论利益攸关。
But as we work to reform our budget, Congress should also put some skin in the game. 然而,我们致力于预算改革的同时,国会也应当贡献出自己的一份力量。
Trust companies, owned by a hodgepodge of provincial governments, conglomerates and institutions ( not to mention foreigners like Royal Bank of Scotland and Barclays), have no skin in the game. 由省政府、企业集团以及机构且不提苏格兰皇家银行(rbs)和巴克莱(barclays)等外资机构等大杂烩拥有的信托公司,在游戏中是不承担风险的外人。
Managers of private partnerships tend to monitor risk carefully because they have their own skin in the game; by contrast, publicly listed hedge funds are likely to share the principal/ agent problems that bedevil other financial companies. 私人合伙制公司的管理人员往往会谨慎监控风险,因为他们也押上了自己的资金。相比之下,上市对冲基金可能存在困扰其它金融公司的委托/代理问题。
You have to have skin in the game ', as one consultant puts it. 按照一位咨询师的说法:你得有接触'才行。
While single skin's walkers are in the same game, three skin-vision ( white, yellow and black) of the same judge of walking groups are different. 不同肤色运动员在一起比赛时,同一竞走裁判群体的肤视力也是不同的。
It indicates that there is difference in skin-vision of race walking judge and there are impartial judge in judging process to three skin's walkers in the same game. 单一肤色运动员在一起比赛时,同一竞走裁判群体的黄肤视力、白肤视力和黑肤视力是不同的;